In August 2021, Barnstable Clean Water Coalition (BCWC) began the installation of several KleanTu NitROE enhanced I/A septic systems in a neighborhood as part of the Shubael Pond Innovative and Alternative (I/A) Septic System Project. BCWC's Executive Director Zee Crocker explains the importance of this project to improve water quality around the neighborhood.

Learn from wastewater and environmental researchers from the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center (MASSTC) on what a Title 5 septic system is and why alternative septic systems are being investigated to help with nutrient overload in our Cape Cod waterways.

Learn about the critical work that is being done at the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center (MASSTC) with the testing of innovative and alternative septic systems and technologies.

Barnstable Clean Water Coalition (BCWC)'s Executive Director Zee Crocker explains how nitrogen from septic systems negatively impacts water quality. John Smith, President of Klean Tu Waste Water Treatment Technologies, discusses the NitROE WWTS, an innovative and alternative septic system that can significantly reduce nitrogen levels.