Slide 1 - DNSI Staff

Support clean water for tomorrow by donating today!

Slide 2 - Sampling

Learn about what we do to restore and protect clean water on Cape Cod!

Slide 3 - Algae

Looking for more information about why clean water matters?

Visit our resources page for water quality information, water conservation tips and more.

Slide 4 - BHS Interns

Stay up-to-date on BCWC's projects, events and more.

Slide 5 - Cranberry Bogs

Support clean water for tomorrow by donating today!

Slide 6 - Oysters

Learn about what we do to restore and protect clean water on Cape Cod.

Slide 7 - MIMIC

Looking for more information about why clean water matters?

Visit our resources page for water quality information, water conservation tips and more.

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Herring Counters Needed!

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At Barnstable Clean Water Coalition (BCWC) our mission is to restore and preserve clean water throughout Barnstable.

With science as our foundation, BCWC utilizes four core components to accomplish our mission: educatemonitormitigate and advocate.

Get Involved

A little help goes a long way

Join BCWC as we continue our twenty-year legacy of restoring and protecting clean water in Barnstable. Volunteer your time by joining one of our citizen science programs. Make your environmental voice heard by attending local and regional meetings and voicing your opinion. Get involved in local politics, join a committee, write to your local newspaper.


News & Publications

Find out what's happening at BCWC and the Cape

Check out the latest in the news that features BCWC or is relevant to our concerns with water quality.  Also read our Coalition Quarterly Newsletters and Books we helped get published.


Video Library

Watch and learn with BCWC

Learn about our ongoing projects, our collaborations, and the issues facing our Cape Cod waters. Dive deeper into the benefits of shellfish to the aquatic environment and our blue economy; or learn about how Innovative and Alternative septic systems can revolutionize our wastewater.



Check out

Learn more about the issues facing our waters, and find resources from the Town and County of Barnstable to help you make water-conscious decisions. Find ways to get involved and see what other organizations are doing to support these efforts.