The Barnstable Patriot
September 11, 2017
Barnstable Town Council adopts draft of long-term wastewater treatment plan
Lindsey Counsell’s work is done, and yet it’s just begun.
Counsell retired in April after 20 years as executive director of Three Bays. He retired again Aug. 17 as chairman of the town’s Water Resources Advisory Committee, because the committee’s work – 18 months of inventorying, sampling and testing – is now complete. The resulting draft report identifies and meticulously measures Barnstable’s sewering water woes and recommends how to best deal with them.
Thanks to Counsell, Barnstable DPW Director Dan Santos, Town Engineer Paul Graves, and Assistant Town Engineer Amanda Ruggiero, the town has a working draft of a wastewater treatment management plan designed to protect and improve the town’s water supply over the next 60 years, in compliance with the Capewide Section 208 Water Quality Management Plan.